  • We effectively support the brand at every stage of their development, taking care of their image and the level of communication.

  • We successfully reach your customers thanks to precisely designed communication plans.

  • We create comprehensive marketing solutions to support the achievement of the objectives.

bzb – effective brand solutions
We specialise in building and strengthening of brand values. We care about the purity of the image and integrated communication channels that allow you to effectively target your audience. We plan and optimise marketing activities, which we effectively support with the creative and production activities in the field of BTL, interactive, motion, ePR.


At every stage of the development of brands we support them strategically and creatively. We prepare comprehensive solutions, and we implement them to both new brands, as well as well established trademarks. We study the environment, plan actions, bring communication strategy and brand development to life. BZB – Effective solutions’ target is being committed to creating effective and creative marketing and advertising solutions to effectively support the development direction of brands at optimal cost. Particular attention is given to the attractive and involving creation and the proper selection of communication channels which aim to increase the effectiveness of reaching of the target audience.


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